Catholicism and Lululemon are both institutions that aim to provide comfort through ritual. So how can participation in one run counter to participation in the other?
Jho strikes again. Brilliant! It feels like the world is made of little mini cults today. I guess since Priests are diddling kids, people need to channel their need to believe in something else and sometimes it’s joggers and a water bottle. But why do we need to believe in something so much? We all seem to. People are fascinating. And personally I’m a sucker for NXIVM genre cult showsbc.I. Can’t.Stop. The toll house illustration made me lol
JJ thanks for reading. Which NXIVM doc should we be watching? Good question - I think we all need to believe because we're all a bit afraid. Whatever helps!
Jho strikes again. Brilliant! It feels like the world is made of little mini cults today. I guess since Priests are diddling kids, people need to channel their need to believe in something else and sometimes it’s joggers and a water bottle. But why do we need to believe in something so much? We all seem to. People are fascinating. And personally I’m a sucker for NXIVM genre cult showsbc.I. Can’t.Stop. The toll house illustration made me lol
JJ thanks for reading. Which NXIVM doc should we be watching? Good question - I think we all need to believe because we're all a bit afraid. Whatever helps!